Pedagogy and professional development
Bundle Sale

Teaching and Learning CPD Bundle!
These teaching and learning CPD sessions offer engaging and original approaches to introducing or revisiting a range of effective pedagogical strategies. Grounded in educational research, these sessions are interactive, well-structured, and have been successfully tried and tested.
The aim of each teaching and learning CPD session is to develop the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed in order to utilise in practice in each key area, and as an aid in achieving these aims, the trainer is supported with:
-Colourful, engaging, and comprehensive PowerPoint presentations;
-Videos for analysis of key techniques;
-A wide range of interactive resources for CPD activities;
-Instructions and plans to assist delivery.
All images and videos are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of each PowerPoint.

The Falling Leaves - Margaret Postgate Cole - Literary Heritage Poetry - Double Lesson
This full double lesson (the resources require at least 2 hours of teaching time) provides an engaging and highly-informative study of Margaret Postgate Cole's war poem 'The Falling Leaves.'
Students learn to analyse the poem in terms of content, language, and structure, learn more about the context of World War I, and gain crucial skills in structuring analytical responses to texts.
Included is:
- Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and substantial;
- Engagement quiz to learn more about the context of WWI;
- Copy of poem with devices identification task and structural questions;
- Analysis template with success criteria for creating well-structured responses;
-Comprehensive lesson plan.
There are also opportunities for group learning, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. This was originally taught to a middle-ability year 10 group, but can easily be differentiated for groups of different ages and abilities.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.

A View from the Bridge: Miller's Language Devices!
This interesting and highly-stimulating lesson enables students to demonstrate a developed, sustained understanding of the language devices utilised in Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge. In particular, students engage analytically with Miller’s use of language at the beginning of Act II, in which Eddie Carbone appears to lose control over his actions. Students examine how similes, rhetorical questions, imperative commands, and other language features serve to highlight his descent into desperation.
The lesson follows a clear, logical, bite-size learning journey, which guides students towards differentiated learning objectives. Over the course of this journey, they become able to:
- Define and provide examples for each of the relevant language devices;
- Identify each of the language devices in short sentences, and begin to comment upon their effect;
- Understand some of Miller’s intentions behind writing the play;
- Critically engage with Miller’s use of language devices at the end of the Act Two, including the events leading up to Eddie’s call to the Immigration Office;
-Peer assess each other’s learning attempts.
This resource pack includes:
- A visually engaging whole-lesson PowerPoint presentation;;
- Paper copies and online links to the extract needed for the lesson (beginning section of Act Two);
- Language Devices Cards;
- Language Devices worksheet (including answer sheet for teachers);
- A logically scaffolded essay template;
- A detailed lesson plan, complete with what the teacher and students should aim to achieve at each stage of the lesson.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the PowerPoint.

Similes and Metaphors in Popular Music!
This interesting and highly stimulating lesson enables students to demonstrate a developed and sustained understanding of the effect of figurative language in popular music texts. In particular, students learn to explore the meanings behind similes and metaphors across songs from a range of genres, considering the effect upon the whole text and the intended audience. As one would expect, Students love learning about similes and metaphors through popular music, and this lesson can really help to open students’ eyes to how language can be crafted for effect. This has numerous benefits in later poetry and descriptive writing lessons.
The lesson follows a clear, logical, bite-size learning journey, which guides students towards differentiated learning objectives. Over the course of this journey, they become able to:
- Define and identify similes and metaphors;
- Explain the similarities and differences between songs and poetry;
- Observe and listen to several examples of similes and metaphors in popular music examples;
- Understand and analyse the effect of similes and metaphors upon meanings and the reader;
- Apply their knowledge of why similes and metaphors are used to a range of contexts and musical genres;
- Collaborate and present their key findings about similes and metaphors in songs to their classmates;
- Self-assess their learning attempts.
This resource pack includes:
- A visually engaging whole-lesson PowerPoint presentation;
- Link to an online compilation video of similes and metaphors in popular music;
- 3 x lyrics analysis worksheets of varying difficulties (Katy Perry, Train, and Florence and the Machine - all clean)
- A detailed lesson plan, complete with what the teacher and students should aim to achieve at each stage of the lesson.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the PowerPoint.

A Christmas Carol: The Context of Victorian Britain!
This engaging and informative lesson students to make sustained and developed links between Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and its social and historical context. In particular, students learn about the harsh treatment of the poor in Victorian society, the selfishness and cruelty of those in power, and attitudes towards sin, religion, and the supernatural. The lesson explores how Dickens explores these ideas through the allegorical nature of the text.
The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through:
- Understanding key information about Charles Dickens, his life, and influences;
- Researching and sharing key contextual understanding about the rich, poor, healthcare, and religion in the 19th Century;
- Reading Stave 1 of ‘A Christmas Carol’ and identifying evidence of contextual influences;
- Analysing how Dickens presents his views about the cruelty of 19th Century life through the opening of the text;
- Peer assessing each other’s learning attempts.
Included is:
- Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and comprehensive;
- Extract - Chapter 1 of A Christmas Carol;
- Template for researching 19th Century life (and completed answer sheet for teachers);
- Analysis template with success criteria for creating well-structured responses;
- Comprehensive lesson plan.
There are also opportunities for group learning, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. This was originally taught to mixed ability year 10 groups, but can easily be differentiated for groups of different ages and abilities.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.
Bundle Sale

Lord of the Flies Lesson Bundle!
These engaging, varied, and informative lessons have been designed to help students gain a valuable understanding of the plot, characters, language, and key messages in William Golding’s novel ‘Lord of the Flies.’ The lessons enable students to gain a comprehensive understanding of the key features of content, language, and structure, in addition to considering Golding’s key intentions in writing the novel.
All of the resources that you need to teach are included in the bundle: Whole lesson step-by-step PowerPoint presentations, informative and engaging , worksheets, activities, and lesson plans.
Contained in the bundle are lessons based on:
- 1. Savagery vs Civilization;
- 2. Ralph, Jack, and Piggy;
- 3. Golding’s Language Devices;
- 4. The Beast
- 5. Simon and Roger
- 6. The Ending
Stimulating, visual, and easily adaptable, these lessons provide suggested learning objectives and outcomes for students of a wide-range of abilities - The vast majority of tasks are differentiated to allow for different abilities and needs in your classroom. Each lesson loosely follows this logical learning journey to ensure that students learn in bite-size steps:
- Engaging
- Defining/ Understanding
- Identifying/Remembering
- Analysing/ Creating
- Peer or self evaluating.
All of the lessons are interactive, employ a variety of different teaching and learning methods and styles, and are visually-engaging.

Macbeth: Act 2 Scene 2 - The Murder of King Duncan!
This lesson aims to improve students’ understanding of one of the key scenes in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth – Act II Scene II. In particular, they learn to make insightful interpretations about Shakespeare’s use of symbolism, and are enabled to understand how this would have affected Shakespearean audiences.
The lesson utilises a range of tasks, that require students to be visual and interactive learners. It follows this learning journey:
- Defining the key term ‘symbolism’ and establishing its importance as a literary technique;
- Understanding the different objects that were used as symbols in Shakesperean times through a multiple choice team game;
- Reading and interpreting Act 2 Scene 2, and establishing how symbolism is utilised throughout;
- Summarising the events of the scene;
- Analysing Shakespeare’s intentions in using literary techniques, and considering the audience reactions to them;
- Peer/self evaluating the learning in the lesson.
Included in this resource pack are:
- A well-presented, thorough, and informative, whole-lesson PowerPoint presentation;
- Resources for the reading and interpreting activity - full scene transcript with space for notes;
- A template to help scaffold the main task, complete with P.E.E instructions;
- A comprehensive teacher guidance form/lesson plan to assist delivery.
All images in this resource are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the lesson presentation.

New GCSE English Language Reading: 19th Century Non-Fiction
These informative and engaging resources enable students to build the skills needed to interpret and analyse 19th Century non-fiction texts. This will aid students through the new Paper 2 Section A of GCSE English Language - for which they need to become confident readers of 19th, 20th, and 21st Century non-fiction texts. These resources give students a strong foundation of knowledge of features of non-fiction texts in the 19th Century, using newspaper stories from the time based on 'Jack the Ripper' as the predominant examples. There are easily enough resources for at least two lessons within this resource pack.
Students learn through the following tasks:
- Inferring and deducing contextual knowledge through an interactive starter task;
- Understanding the features of London in 1888 through a video introduction;
- Building close reading skills through a study of a non-fiction extract about Jack the Ripper;
- Answering exam-style questions interpreting and inferring the key meanings in the text;
- Using models and templates to write extended analysis responses about the language used in the non-fiction extract;
- Peer assessing their partners' learning attempts.
The following resources are provided:
- Engaging and colourful step-by-step PowerPoint;
- Jack the Ripper newspaper extract;
- Teacher lesson guidance;
- Interpretation worksheet;
- Analysis worksheet;
- Writing to analyse.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the PowerPoint.

Frankenstein: The Context of Frankenstein
This engaging and detailed lesson aims to improve students’ understanding of the social and historical context of Mary Shelley’s gothic horror novel: Frankenstein. The lesson places a particular focus upon the developments in health, science, and technology at the time the text was written and set, the locations visited by the author, and the life of Mary Shelley. By the end of the lesson, students demonstrate their ability to link their understanding of context to specific sections of the text.
The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through:
- Considering how life has changed between the end of the 18th Century and the present day;
- Researching key information about health, scientific understanding, and major events in the late 1700s;
- Understanding the features of locations in the novel, and interpreting what they may symbolise;
- Developing their understanding of the author: Mary Shelley, and considering the key events in her life that influenced her writing of Frankenstein;
- Linking knowledge of time, place, and author, and relating these to specific areas of the text;
- Peer assessing each other’s learning attempts.
Included is:
- Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and substantial; (including an animated Frankenstein’s monster to guide them through the lesson, and links to helpful websites);
- Comparison between 1700s and the present day worksheet (and a teacher answer sheet);
- Card sorting activity based on locations in the novel;
- Mary Shelley worksheet (and a teacher answer sheet);
- Analysis template with success criteria for creating well-structured responses;
- Comprehensive lesson plan.
There are also opportunities for group learning, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. This was originally taught to middle-ability year 9/10 groups, but can easily be differentiated for groups of different ages and abilities.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation. NOTE: One of the tasks requires access to researching materials, e.g. internet or library access.
Bundle Sale

The Diary of Anne Frank Big Bundle!
This engaging, varied, and informative scheme of learning is designed to help students gain understanding, assessment skills, and key interpretations of Anne Frank’s ‘Diary of a Young Girl.’ Made up of a wide-range of interesting and exciting lessons, students should complete this scheme having gathered vital skills in: interpreting the significant meanings of the text, understanding the writer’s ideas within the text, identifying the traits of key people and relationships, settings, and themes,understanding language devices, and relating the text to its social and historical context.
Stimulating, visual, and easily adaptable, these lessons provide suggested learning objectives and outcomes for students of a wide-range of abilities - The vast majority of tasks are differentiated to allow for different abilities and needs in your classroom. Each lesson loosely follows this logical learning journey to ensure that students learn in bite-size steps:
- Engaging
- Defining/ Understanding
- Identifying/Remembering
- Analysing/ Creating
- Peer or self evaluating.
All of the lessons are interactive, employ a variety of different teaching and learning methods and styles, and are visually-engaging. Resources, worksheets, and lesson plans are all provided.

Frankenstein: Shelley's Description of the Monster!
This lesson aims to improve students’ understanding of the descriptive language used to depict the monster in Chapter 5 of Mary Shelley’s horror novel ‘Frankenstein.’ The lesson places a particular focus upon the descriptive language devices employed by Shelley, in order to create a clear image of the monster’s appearance in the reader’s mind, and also to describe Victor’s strong reaction to his creation. By the end of the lesson, students demonstrate an ability to make sustained and original interpretations of the language used by the author.
The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through:
- Considering how their preconceptions about the monster have been influenced by modern media and representations;
- Read and understand a key extract from the beginning of chapter 5 - the point at which the monster comes to life;
- Infer and interpret the key developments of the extract, including Frankenstein’s changing feelings and the monster’s ambiguous actions;
- Identifying and analysing some of the key descriptive devices used by Shelley to create an image of the monster;
- Analysing the effect of the descriptive devices upon the reader;
- Peer assessing each other’s learning attempts.
Included is:
- Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and substantial; (including an animated Frankenstein’s monster to guide them through the lesson);
- Descriptive devices worksheet (and a teacher answer sheet);
- Extract from the beginning of Chapter 5;
- Inferring and Interpreting worksheet;
- Analysis template with success criteria for creating well-structured responses;
- Comprehensive lesson plan.
There are also opportunities for group learning, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. This was originally taught to middle-ability year 9/10 groups, but can easily be differentiated for groups of different ages and abilities.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.

Of Mice and Men: The Ending - George's Dilemma
This engaging and interesting lesson aims to improve students’ knowledge of the final events of the novel (the killing of Lennie by his best friend, George) in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. It also aims to build their skills in retrieving information from texts, understanding the writer’s ideas and opinions, and making precise and confident interpretations about texts.
The lesson uses a range of tasks, that require students to use their visual and interpersonal skills. It follows this learning journey:
- Reading, and interpreting the ending of the text;
- Inferring the hidden meanings in the final section of the text;
- Identifying the options available to George, and evaluating the pros and cons for each of them;
- Arguing a viewpoint either justifying or condemning George’s actions;
- Evaluating each others’ argumentative attempts.
The resource includes a comprehensive and visually engaging PowerPoint presentation, a worksheet to evaluate George’s reasoning, an abstract from the text, a help-sheet for writing to analyse, and a lesson plan/ teacher guidance sheet.
All images in this resource are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the lesson presentation.
You can choose to buy this resource alone, or as part of the ‘Of Mice and Men - All Lessons and Scheme’ bundle, which contains seven full lessons, resources, teachers notes, and PowerPoint presentations, plus a Pointless Of Mice and Men game, for just £5!

Much Ado About Nothing - Beatrice and Benedick!
This engaging, in-depth lesson enables students to understand how plot and language are utilised to develop the characters of Beatrice and Benedick in William Shakespeare’s ‘Much Ado about Nothing.’
The lesson places a particular focus upon how language is used between the two characters to present the audience with ideas about their intelligence, attitudes, and emotions. Students also analyse how their behaviour develops over the course of the text.
The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which students learn through:
- Taking part in a fun team quiz to secure understanding of the two characters;
- Completing a 'love graph' (backed up with textual evidence) to show how the prevailing attitudes and emotions of the two characters develops through the text;
- Analysing quotations in which Shakespeare used advanced language techniques to portray both of the characters in a particular light;
- Completing an essay style response in which they consider how Shakespeare's use of language helps to develop the two characters;
- Peer assessing each other's learning attempts.
Included is:
- Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and detailed - just download and teach from it!
- Love Graph - to track the two characters' feelings towards one another;
- 'Beatrice and Benedick Quotations' worksheet;
- Analysis template with success criteria for creating well-structured responses;
- Comprehensive lesson plan.
There are also opportunities for group learning, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. This was originally taught to higher-ability year 9 and 10 groups, but can easily be differentiated for groups of different ages and abilities.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Comprehension Activities Booklet!
This resource booklet contains a wide range of age-appropriate, engaging, and meaningful comprehension activities for use throughout the reading of Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.’ Teachers have found them particularly useful in exam revision, comprehension tasks, or guided reading sessions. They are perfect for aiding the progress of students towards meeting the KS4 expectations within the new National Curriculum framework - this makes the tasks suitable for all examining bodies. Students have found these resources extremely engaging, and for teachers there is explicit information within each task regarding which comprehension strands the task is designed to demonstrate. They also relate to key extracts, characters, and themes from the story, ensuring that students gain a deep understanding of the text.
Activities within the booklet include:
- ‘Context: 19th Century England’ - to aid students with ‘Drawing on knowledge of the purpose, audience and context of the writing, including its social, historical and cultural context and the literary tradition to which it belongs, to inform evaluation;’
- ‘Stevenson’s Description’ - to aid students with ‘Analysing a writer’s choice of vocabulary, form, grammatical and structural features, and evaluating their effectiveness and impact;’
- ‘Mr Hyde’ - to aid students with ‘Seeking evidence in the text to support a point of view, including justifying inferences with evidence;’
- ‘Editing the Novel’ - to aid students with ‘Making an informed personal response, recognising that other responses to a text are possible and evaluating these.’
Plus many, many more activities (the booklet is around 30 pages in length!) I’ve also added it as a PDF in case the formatting differs on your computer.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on a separate document (included).
Bundle Sale

Personal Development Assemblies Huge Bundle!
These fun and original assemblies have been designed aid children in developing their skills of:
Celebrating differences
All of the assemblies are tried and tested, and each has been really well received in the past.
The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. For example, there are references to scenarios and dilemmas that they themselves might find themselves in, in order to help them to make the right choices in their own lives.
There are also fun role-play activities, beautiful, thought-provoking videos exemplifying each theme, and various discussion activities regarding how to show the skills in different areas of their own lives. No further resources are required, everything that you need to present the assemblies is included.
Each set of slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included guidance notes for each assembly to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!

Frankenstein: The Monster's Murders: Justified?
This lesson aims to improve students’ understanding of plot and characterisation in Mary Shelley’s gothic horror novel ‘Frankenstein,’ through critical engagement with the monster’s justification for murder. The lesson places a particular focus upon the hardship and suffering experienced by the monster, in addition to the discrimination and loneliness that he experiences. The lesson concludes with students completing a highly-informed argumentative piece, detailing whether they feel the monster was justified or not.
The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through:
- Recalling and understanding who, when, and why the monster kills individuals throughout the text;
- Reading and understanding key extracts from the text, which include third-person narration from the monster discussing his actions;
- Comprehending the key elements of plot development and character, through interpreting and inferring the key meanings in extracts;
- Listing opposite sides of an argument in regarding the monster’s justification, in order to build a stronger case;
- Using the features of writing to argue in order to contend whether the monster was justified in his actions or not;
- Peer assessing each other’s learning attempts.
Included is:
- Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and substantial; (including an animated Frankenstein’s monster to guide them through the lesson);
- Comprehension worksheet (and a teacher answer sheet);
- Extracts from Chapters 16 and 24;
- Card-sorting resources for the introduction task;
- Writing to Argue Help-sheet;
- Analysis template with success criteria for creating well-structured responses;
- Comprehensive lesson plan.
There are also opportunities for group learning, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. This was originally taught to middle-ability year 9/10 groups, but can easily be differentiated for groups of different ages and abilities.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.

Animal Farm: Old Major's Dream and The Revolution!
These resources enable students to understand and analyse the Old Major’s dream and the events of the animal revolution, in the opening two chapters of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. More precisely, students learn to make clear and accurate interpretations about events and characters, with appropriate links to the Orwell’s allegory and relationship to context.
Students learn through the following tasks:
- Gauging and collaborating previous knowledge through a discussion-based starter task;
- Reading the first two chapters and demonstrating their understanding through a related activity sheet;
- Developing their understanding of characters and context through a a making links activity;
- Analysing the allegorical nature of the opening chapters by further exploring the connections between characters and contexts;
- Peer assessing their partners’ learning attempts.
The following resources are provided:
- Engaging and colourful step-by-step PowerPoint (includes links for video)
- Teacher lesson guidance/plan;
- Chapters 1 and 2 worksheet;
- Making Links Activity Sheet (1x more difficult, 1 x easier);
- Copies of Chapters 1 and 2.
All images and videos are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the PowerPoint. Note - internet connection is needed if you plan to use the video.

A View from the Bridge Comprehension Activities Booklet!
This resource booklet contains a wide range of age-appropriate, engaging, and meaningful comprehension activities for use throughout the reading of Arthur Miller’s ‘A View from the Bridge.’ Teachers have found them particularly useful in exam revision, comprehension tasks, or guided reading sessions. They are perfect for aiding the progress of students towards meeting the KS4 expectations within the new National Curriculum framework - this makes the tasks suitable for all examining bodies. Students have found these resources extremely engaging, and for teachers there is explicit information within each task regarding which comprehension strands the task is designed to demonstrate. They also relate to key extracts, characters, and themes from the story, ensuring that students gain a deep understanding of the text.
Activities within the booklet include:
- ‘Context: 1950s America’ - to aid students with ‘Drawing on knowledge of the purpose, audience and context of the writing, including its social, historical and cultural context and the literary tradition to which it belongs, to inform evaluation;’
- ‘Miller’s Description’ - to aid students with ‘Analysing a writer’s choice of vocabulary, form, grammatical and structural features, and evaluating their effectiveness and impact;’
- ‘Eddie’ - to aid students with ‘Seeking evidence in the text to support a point of view, including justifying inferences with evidence;’
- ‘Editing the Play’ - to aid students with ‘Making an informed personal response, recognising that other responses to a text are possible and evaluating these.’
Plus many, many more activities (the booklet is around 30 pages in length!) I’ve also added it as a PDF in case the formatting differs on your computer.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on a separate document (included).

A View from the Bridge: Context of Italian American Brooklyn
This interesting and highly-stimulating lesson enables students to make clear and sustained inferences and interpretations about the context and themes in Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge. In particular, students engage analytically with Alfieri’s opening monologue, demonstrating an understanding of what it reveals about Italian American culture and community at the time.
The lesson follows a clear, logical, bite-size learning journey, which guides students towards differentiated learning objectives. Over the course of this journey, they become able to:
- Understand the relevance of Brooklyn Bridge, both literally and figuratively;
- Understand the relevance of Arthur Miller’s life and influences;
- Read and understand Alfieri’s opening monologue, in which the geographical, social, and historical context is set, and infer and interpret the key information provided;
- Understand the key term ‘Omerta’, and apply codes of honour to their own contexts;
- Analyse Alfieri’s opening monologue in terms of the key information it provides the audience with about context and community;
-Peer assess each other’s learning attempts.
This resource pack includes:
- A visually engaging whole-lesson PowerPoint presentation;;
- Paper copies and online links to the extract needed for the lesson (Alfieri’s opening monologue);
- Cards for application activity;
- Interpretations and inferences worksheet (including answer sheet for teachers);
- A logically scaffolded essay template;
- A detailed lesson plan, complete with what the teacher and students should aim to achieve at each stage of the lesson.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the PowerPoint.

Of Mice and Men - The Themes of Dreams and Loneliness
This engaging and interesting lesson aims to improve students’ knowledge of the main themes (Dreams and Loneliness) in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. It also aims to build their skills in retrieving information from texts, understanding the writer’s ideas and opinions, and making precise and confident interpretations about texts.
The lesson uses a range of tasks, that require students to use their visual and interactive skills. It follows this learning journey:
- Understanding what dreams and loneliness are, and how we each experience them;
- Defining themes and understanding how writers use them;
- Understanding how and why themes are used in other famous texts;
- Retrieving evidence from the text to demonstrate where the characters experience dreams and loneliness;
- Analysing how the themes are used to help get across John Steinbeck’s ideas about 1930s America;
- Evaluating each others’ analytical attempts.
The resource includes a comprehensive and visually engaging PowerPoint presentation, a worksheet for recording the retrieved quotations, a helpful template for the main task, and a lesson plan/ teacher guidance sheet.
All images in this resource are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the lesson presentation.
You can choose to buy this resource alone, or as part of the ‘Of Mice and Men - All Lessons and Scheme’ bundle, which contains seven full lessons, resources, teachers notes, and PowerPoint presentations, plus a Pointless Of Mice and Men game, for just £5!